Gait Recognition in the Wild with Dense 3D Representations and A Benchmark
Jinkai Zheng1,2
Xinchen Liu2
Wu Liu2
Lingxiao He2
Chenggang Yan1
Tao Mei2
1Hangzhou Dianzi University
2Explore Academy of
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2022




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  • September, 2023, the Gait3D-Parsing dataset and the ParsingGait method in our ACM MM 2023 paper are now released! More details can be found in the official project page.

  • Abstract

    Existing studies for gait recognition are dominated by 2D representations like the silhouette or skeleton of the human body in constrained scenes. However, humans live and walk in the unconstrained 3D space, so projecting the 3D human body onto the 2D plane will discard a lot of crucial information like the viewpoint, shape, and dynamics for gait recognition. Therefore, this paper aims to explore dense 3D representations for gait recognition in the wild, which is a practical yet neglected problem. In particular, we propose a novel framework to explore the 3D Skinned Multi-Person Linear (SMPL) model of the human body for gait recognition, named SMPLGait. Our framework has two elaborately-designed branches of which one extracts appearance features from silhouettes, the other learns knowledge of 3D viewpoints and shapes from the 3D SMPLmodel. With the learned 3D knowledge, the appearance features from arbitrary viewpoints can be normalized in the latent space to overcome the extreme viewpoint changes in the wild scenes. In addition, due to the lack of suitable datasets, we build the first large-scale 3D representation-based gait recognition dataset, named Gait3D. It contains 4,000 subjects and over 25,000 sequences extracted from 39 cameras in an unconstrained indoor scene. More importantly, it provides 3D SMPL models recovered from video frames which can provide dense 3D information of body shape, viewpoint, and dynamics. Furthermore, it also provides 2D silhouettes and keypoints that can be explored for gait recognition using multi-modal data. Based on Gait3D, we comprehensively compare our method with existing gait recognition approaches, which reflects the superior performance of our framework and the potential of 3D representations for gait recognition in the wild. The code and dataset will be released for research purposes.

    Gait3D Dataset

    (1) Examples of gait representations in the Gait3D dataset.

    (2) Statistics about the Gait3D dataset.

    Statistics of frame sizes

    ID # over sequence #

    Sequence # over sequence length #

    (3) Download Gait3D.

    All users can obtain and use this dataset and its subsets only after signing the Agreement and sending it to the official contact email address (

    The Architecture of SMPLGait

    The architecture of the SMPLGait framework for 3D gait recognition in the wild.

    Evaluation and Visualization

    (1) Comparison of the state-of-the-art gait recognition methods on Gait3D.

    Comparison of the state-of-the-art gait recognition methods on Gait3D. As the inputs of the model-based methods, i.e., PoseGait and GaitGraph, are unrelated to the frame size, we only report one group of results.

    (2) Under the cross-domain setting.

    Results of cross-domain experiments. The method is trained on each source dataset and directly tested on the target datasets.

    (3) Exemplar results of SMPLGait on the Gait3D.

    Exemplar results of SMPLGait on the Gait3D. 16 consecutive frames are sampled from each sequence for visualization. This case shows that our method obtains good results when the samples are high-quality. (Best viewed in color.)


    Zheng, Liu, Liu, He, Yan, Mei.
    Gait Recognition in the Wild with Dense 3D Representations and A Benchmark
    In CVPR, 2022.


    title={Gait Recognition in the Wild with Dense 3D Representations and A Benchmark},
    author={Jinkai Zheng, Xinchen Liu, Wu Liu, Lingxiao He, Chenggang Yan, Tao Mei},
    booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


    This work was supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant 2020AAA0103800, in part by the National Nature Science Foundation of China under Grant 61931008 and Grant U21B2024.
    This work was done when Jinkai Zheng was an intern at Explore Academy of


    For further questions and suggestions, please contact Jinkai Zheng (